Warren Buffet Invests $3 billion
More in Swiss Re

Dateline:  February 4, 2009

Last updated: 

Swiss Reinsurance Co. (SWCEY.PK) Thursday said it plans to raise as much as 5 billion Swiss francs, or $4.3 billion, in fresh capital to boost its equity, protect its credit rating and balance a substantial full-year net loss.

Investor and billionaire Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRKB) will invest around $3 billion and enter into a business deal with the reinsurer, the second deep commitment within about a year and Buffett's biggest in Europe since he began scouting opportunities in the region.

Buffett's investment will come through a high-yielding bond that can be converted into shares three years...

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All information obtained from the SEC Edgar Form 13F-HR - Holdings Report, as of 2007-09-30


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